Mechanical Circulatory Support
For now the MCS service is exclusively a second year elective and third year rotation. In the coming years this page will change often as the structure of the MCS rotation is changing. Come here for the basics. Check back often.
Rotation Schedule:
Start joint rounds in the CTICU between 8:30 - 9:00AM.
After CTICU, rounds you will round with Cardiology D and other services as requested.
You will be assigned 1-2 patients to write notes on. Check Epic in the morning to see which patients in CORES you have been assigned.
Transplant Conference is weekly on Tuesday morning from 7:30 - 8:30 on zoom AND Thursday morning from 8:00 – 9:45 in Plaza Cafe (Rooms A&B). Be prepared to present the in-patients who are being considered for advanced heart failure therapies. There is a template under “Card B Rotation” that needs to be completed for each patient being presented. Following the presentation, the templated note should be updated with the results of the discussion (list, turn down for X reason or continuing work-up, needs XYZ completed) and cc’d to the patient’s attending. Attendance required.
Work sheet for transplant presentation
Here is what you need to get started:
corECMO is an online learning resource for providers caring for adult patients on ECMO. It contains core content episodes with images and text complimented by simulation cases to integrate these concepts. This is a pilot version containing half of the planned final content. Our hope is to gather feedback from you all at UW and use it to finish the complete version.
For login information, please go to the Logistics tab —> CorECMO
Please send all comments, edits, and suggestions to corECMO is not intended for use by the general public so please help us protect this pilot project by not sharing this link or log-in information with others outside of UW.
corECMO translates easily to your mobile device as well! Just add to your home screen.
username: corecmo
password: UWcorECMO2017